Health Care Expansion Referendum Makes Maine November Ballot !

And Who Can Forgedt the PHotograph of Governor LePaage That Made National News on the Wall Near the PWD

Governor Paul LePage Opposes the Expansion of Health Care Coverage to Low-income People.

Maine’s Secretary of State announced today that more than enough signatures were collected to place the Citizen Initiative to expand access to health care coverage through Medicaid on the November 2017 election ballot, according to a press release issued by Robyn Merrill, Mainers for Health Care today.

This was exciting news for thousands of grassroots volunteers who have supported the  measure.

“This news made my day.  I’m glad I was able to help make this happen for myself and for thousands of others in desperate need of health care.  I’ve worked my whole life since I was 14 years old.  I don’ expect something for nothing.  For 30 years, I have earned a  modest living as a self-employed hair dresser.  My needs are simple so I can live within my means.  Bu I can’t afford the high cost of health insurance or health care on my own.  At 59 years old, I still have 6 years to go before I quality for Medicare.  I know the voters in Maine want more health care, not less and will vote for this ballot initiative in November,” wrote Kathy Phelps, of Winslow in the same press release.

Governor Paul LePage is opposed to the expansion of health care coverage for low-income people – calling it just an “expansion of welfare.” He has vetoed legislation that would have supported the expansion five times.  However, if this referendum passes, he will not have that power.

For more information, please email Robyn Merrill at