Governor Janet T. Mills Addressing the NationLGovernors Association Summer Meeting Last July in Portland. .
Governor Janet T. Mills (D), the first woman Governor of Maine, is participating in the 2023 Winter Meeting of the National Governors’ Association in Washington, D.C. The meeting starts today Thursday and runs through Saturday, February 11, 2023.
During the Winter Meeting, Governor Mills will join with Governors from across the nation to meet with Federal officials, policy experts and other prominent leaders, from the public and private sector. Plenary sessions will include a focus on strengthening youth mental health and how government can work with the private sector to address worker shortages. The meetings will include a dinner at the White House hosted by President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden.
While in Wasington, Governor Mills will also visit Capitol Hill to meet with members of Maine’s Congressional Delegation.
Thanks to Governor Mills, Maine hosted the organization’s Summer Meeting in Portland last July.