Governor Mills Appears on ‘Morning Joe’ Cable News With Five Other Democratic Women Governors


Governor Janet T. Mills (D) Appearing on MSNBC “Morning Joe” Cable News  This Morning

A Panel of Six Democratic Women Governors on MSNBC’s ” Morning Joe” TV Show This Morning. Governor Mills is on the Left.

Governor Janet T. Mills (D-Me), was one of a panel of six Democratic women governors appearing on the 8:30 am segment of ‘Morning Joe’ Cable News this morning discussing how these women communicate frequently to discuss common concerns in their states.   Governor Mills said at one point that it resembles a sorority.

Although the governors of MIchigan and New York dominated the discussion, Governor Mills appeared to enjoy her appearance on national televion laughing and smiling often.

She said that she dropped out of college and spent time in San Francisco.  She said that she was the first women DA in the northeast, first AG in the state of Maine as well as the first women governor of Maine.  She is also the first woman governor to be re-elected by a huge margin!

Governor Mills was inspired by the late former Republican Senator Margaret Chase Smith.  Famously, Smith stood up to Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism in her July 1, 1950 ‘Declaration of Conscience’ speech.  Smith, who served in the US Senate for 24 years, was often the only women to serve in the Senate.  The Governor  also said that she believed that  President Biden has done a great job and doesn’t get all the credit he should.  “The people of Maine are responding well to his leadership,” the Governor said.

The women governors are in Washington, D.C. for the annual Winter Meeting of the National Governors Association, (NGA) that runs through Sunday, February 11, 2023.  Please see previous post for more background information on the NGA Winter Meeting.

2 thoughts on “Governor Mills Appears on ‘Morning Joe’ Cable News With Five Other Democratic Women Governors

  1. Mainers should be very proud of their governor, Janet Mills! She stands on the correct side of the social issues facing residents and handles herself with an easy charm. Does she have a future in Washington?
    Time will tell!

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