Governor Mills Announces $850. Checks to Begin Arriving Next Week


Governor Janet T. Mills (D) Has Authorized the Distribution of $850. Relief checks to Begin Tomorrow, June 2, 2022.

Governor Janet Mills (D) announced this morning that her Administration will send the first round of $850. relief checks to Maine people beginning tomorrow, launching one of the strongest relief programs in the country.

The Department of Administrative and Financial Services (DAFs) will issue an initial 5,000 relief checks to be sent via the US Postal Service tomorrow that are expected o arrrive in mail boxes as early as next week.  The Department will then issue an estimated 200,000 checks per week after that, with the vast majority of qualifyhing Maine people who have already filed their 2021 Maine tax return expected to receive their check by mid-July.  Despite an initial concern about a shortage of envelopes, the Treasurer’s office has confirmed that it has a sufficient number of envelopes that can be used to distribute the checks.

The relielf program – advanced by Governor Mills and overwhelmingly approved by the Legislature is considered one of the strongest relief programs in the country and is expected to help an estimated 858,000 Maine people with the high costs of inflation. All told, more than half of the State’s budget surplus – $729.3 milllion – will be returned to Maine people via $850. direct checks, with the average Maine family receiving $1,700. in relief.

To be eligible to receive a check, Maine people must file a Maine individual income tax return as a full-time resident and not be claimed as a dependent on another’s tax return.  Eligible Maine people must have a Federal adjusted gross income (FAGI) of less than $100,000 if filing single or if married and filing separately:  $150,000 if filing as head of household:  or $200,000 for couples filing jointly.

In the limited instances where someone has not already filed their 2021 Maine individual income tax return, either because they are late in doing so or because their unique financial situtation has not typically required them to do so, they have until October 31, 2022 to file their returns and claim the $850. relief check.

Maine people with other questions about the check can call Maine Revenue Service at (207) 624-9924.