Global Climate Strike Next Month Needs Volunteers


A Group of Youth Climate Activists at Lincoln Park, Portland, Recently.

“The World is on fire. I want you to panic.” Greta Thornburg

A Global Climate Strike is planned for September 20th at Portland City Hall Plaza.  The Rally begins at 11:30 am and the strike of workers runs from noon – 1:00 pm.  The Rally is organized by 350 Maine.

The event is to engage as many different work sector fields and groups of people in Maine for the strike to represent how we are all affected by the climate crisis and especially that the climate crisis disproportionately affects t hose who have contributed the least to it and are denied the tools to adopt to it due to the system of oppression we live under according to the press release received by this blogger.

For more information, please email:

For more information on the students strike at city hall, please visit post herein dated February 8, 2019.