Nikita McGilvray and some friends from the west end of Portland visited the “Free Pantry” early this afternoon for the first time. Nikita was looking for diapers for her six year old son, Jaydon. Jaydon, who is severely autistic. still insists on wearing diapers – size 6. But there were no diapers at all on the shelves of the “Free Pantry.” In fact, the shelves were mostly bare.
The word has gotten out about the “Free Pantry” situated at the Urban Farm Fermentory Brewing Company parking lot, 200 Anderson Street, in East Bayside. Not only has the word gotten out about the Pantry, but the need is overwheming. There is a need for basic products – diapers, hygiene products, healthy snacks and much more. The Pantry is open 24/7 and is unattended. It runs on the honor system.
Saco Vallley Creidt Union funded the first “fill” of the Pantry earlier this month. That fill included non-perishable items such as diapers and hygiene products. The Maine Dental Association donated dental hygiene products including toothpaste and tooth brushes according to a post written by this blogger on July 9, 2023 herein. The supply is depletd. The shelves are empty of most of the product needed most by those in need.
“Give what you can, take what you need,” is the philosophy behind the “Free Pantry.” Can you “give” or do you know someone who can?
For more background information on the “Free Pantry,” please visit post dated July 9, 2023.