Childless Cat Ladies. cats, dogs & geese have dominated the national news lately by a desparate Donald Trump and JD Vance who know their chances of being dictators of the US are slipping away.every day that passes – and to of all ironies a Black Woman and her running mate.
Representatives of these iconic figures in our culture are available for sale at the Fish & Bone, 5 India Street, on the east end of Portland. And they are selling well. Extremely welll in fact. Fish & Bone is a pet store that formerly was called Fetch and located on Commercial Street for many years. It started as a tiny dog store years ago on Congress Street on Munjoy Hill. (This blogger had the distinction and honor of writing about it in the long defunct “Munjoy Hill Observer.”) The store started out as primarily a dog store, but over the years as more retail space has become available, cat coverage has expanded as well. The owner, Kathy Palmer of Munjoy Hill, expanded the popular pet store to Newbury Street in Boston years ago.
The insulrs to women by Trump’s vice presidential running mate JD Vance who are childless is just a microcosim of the Republicans dislike for successful woman and an effort to put them back in the kitchen where they are no threat to the cowards who try to put them there,. The lying attack on the Haitain community for eating cats and dogs has turned into a much larger issue than just cats and dogs as we all know too well. It’s not just about our family pets. It’s an attempt to raise the issue of immigration to new heights and control the narrative. Even to the point of disrupting the life and times of the citizens of Springfield, Ohio. Trump’s demoniizng immigrants appears to have backfired on him because the public doesn’t like the way he intends to treat them – in an inhumane manner.
Portlanders need to be on the watch for creeping Trumpism and to protect our New Mainers from such barbarism.