First Friday Art Walk Resumes Following Pandemic Pause


These Artists Will be Showcasing Their Art Work in Front of the Black Box Contains, 93 Washington Avenue, on Munjoy Hill.

Artist Jared Goulette, Works on his Murals Covering the Bathouse at East End Beach Earlier This Week. He’s a Graduate of Maine College of Art and the Project was Funded by the City’s Recreation Department.

First Friday Art Walk resumes tomorrow Friday, July 2, following a pause because of the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the first time, several artists will be demonstrating their skills in front of the black box containers on Washington Avenue starting at 4:00 pm and running until 8:00 pm. Jacob Powers will be painting, Bryan Graf will be introducing his temporary light installation,  there will be an art sale by Kimothy Joy, and ceramics artist Luster Hustler will be on hand with a display.  Occupants of the black box containers will be offering samples of some of their products.

Two dozen venues and organizations are participating in this initial Walk according to Creative Portland, the organizer of the event.  All participants are asked to bring their face masks and follow individual business preferences.