Fewer Cars Towed in Second Storm of Season; GO PATS!


Go Patriots!

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 687)

The City of Portland has issued two city-wide parking bans during this winter season. These bans are to give the city’s  plowing crews adequate time to clear the streets without being  hampered by cars left on the streets.  Cars left parking on the streets are subject to towing which can become an expensive mistake when all costs are added up.

 During the first storm of the season, 131 cars were towed to the  International Marine Terminal on the Portland waterfront.  During the most recent storm which dumped much more snow in the area, 63 cars were towed to the same spot.  So said John P.  (I can’t spell his last name!) Director of the Traffic Division for the City of Portland.

For the many newcomers to the area, the best way to receive updates on the city’s snow bans, is to visit www.portlandmaine.gov   Then click on parking ban and lots of choices will unfold before you.