Community Invited to Christmas Caroling; Hosted by West End Neighborhood Association

Amy McPheeters, Brought a Lantern as Well as Her Voice to the Serenade.

Amy McPheeters, Brought a Lantern as Well as Her Voice to the Caroling by the Melbourne Street Singers on December 13.

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,510)

Anyone who can carry a tune is invited to Christmas Carol on Sunday, December 20, 2015.  Sngers will meet at 5:00 pm at 73 Spruce Street on the West End of Portland.  The event is hosted by the West End Neighborhood Association (“WENA”), according to Ian Jacobs, President of WENA.

Elizabeth Frasier and Maureen Roy Singing From Sheet Music Provided to the Group.

Elizabeth Frasier and Maureen Roy Singing From Sheet Music Provided by the Melbourne Street Singers Earlier this Month.

Carolers should be prepared for an hour-long event.  Carolers will leave 73 Spruce Street at 5:15 pm. and return for socializing after singing.  Please bring a vegetarian snack to share with other carolers.   Dress warmly if necessary and please bring a flashlight

The Patriots’game will be winding down (maybe sooner rather than later!) and so will the benefit for HART, a cat shelter, at Tomaso’s Canteen this afternoon.  (Please see previous post for details on that event.)

If you need the song book, please email and one will be emailed to you.

The snow date is Tuesday, December 22nd.

Ian Jacob, President of the West End Neighborhood Association Testified Before the Committee.

Ian Jacobs, President of the West End Neighborhood Association, Said:  “Anyone Who Can Carry a Tune is Invited!”