Joshua Chard. a second amd third grade looping teacher at East End Community School, is among four finaliss in the running for 2024 Maine Teacher of the Year. A decision which of the four teachers will receive that honor is expected in October.
In May, Chard, who also is the drama director at Deering High School, was named 2023 Cumberland County Teacher of the Year. He was one of the 16 teachers – one from each of Maine’s counties – to be selected for that honor. Then, in July, he became one of eight county Teachers of the Year named as semifinalists for 2024 Maine Teacher of the Year. Now Chad is among 4 teachers in that group to make it to the final stage.
The three other teachers are Edith Bergerfrom Lincoln County, Lacey Todd from Oxford County and Colleen Maker from Washington County.
“Mr. Chard was one of the first staf I met after joining the Portland Public Schools in July,” said Ryan Scallon, Portland Public Schools Superintendent. “He joined a listening session I held dto show how we can continue to provide our students with fantastic instruction and extracurricular acviities. I have since learned from leaders, peers, and families in his classes and drama extracurriculars that Mr. Chard provides fantastic instruction and actdivities for our students. We are fortunate to have him as an advocate, teacher and a leader.”
Chard holds a bachelor’s degree in elementery education with a concentration iin theater from the University of Southern Maine and a master’s degree in education with a K-6 literacy focus from the University of New England.