East End Beach Site Of Polar Bear Plunge….12/31


Polar Bear Tears From Last Year's "NRCM" Plunge at East End Beach!

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 354)

The brave and the bold are invited to plunge into the Atlantic Ocean to support reducing global warming pollution.  The plunge happens on  Thursday, December 31st at noon at the East End Beach on the Hill.  The event is hosted by the Natural Resources Council of Maine (“NRCM”).

Your donation will be used to raise money and awareness about global warming and what NRCM is doing in Maine to curb it.  It will be fun with folks in polar bear costumes, hot coffee by Coffee by Design and pastries from Standard Baking Company.

The three top fundraisers will receive commemorative items.  To participate, email or call stacie@ncrm.org (207) 430-0127 with your name and contact information and NRCM will send you an information packet.    It is requested that participants raise a minimum of $50. in pledges.  Pledgers may use the online pledge forms at http://supporters.nrcm.org/poplarplunge.d