Discontent Rules at Food Truck Park off Eastern Promenade on East End


A View of the Food Truck Park off Cutter Street From the Eastern Promenade Today. Some Directinal Signs on the Eastern Prom Pointing to This New Location Provided by the City Would Have Been  Helpful.

The Clifford Cameron Trio Played Outside of the Moss Gallery on Fore Street Today. Mr. Cameron is at Left Playing the Piano.  Look for Them in the Future at the Same Place.

Whether or not the current food trucks will return next season is a question that could be decided over the coming months.  Organizing around issues of common concern is expected to take place in the coming months according to several who spoke on condition of privacy for their protection today and earlier in the week.

At the roll-out of the Park earlier this year Interim City Manager West said this year is a pilot year and that next year a fee will be charged to those using the Park.  Earlier this week one of the food truck owners told this blogger that if the city does implement that fee policy, none of the current food truck owners will return for the 2023 season.

The city of Portland has not supported this Park as they could have. “West pushed us down off the Prom and left us here to sink or swim on our own,” said one employee.  The city never issued a press release announcing the establishment of the Park off Cutter Street nor did they place any directional  signs on the Eastern Promenade directing the public to our new location said one food truck owner recently.  The lack of visibility from the Eastern Promenade is probably the major reason that one popular food truck employee reported that business is down 20% from last year on the Eastern Promenade.  Several others confirmed:  “That sounds about right.” Interim City Manager West never sought input from the food truck operators before issuing her press release detailing the plan to remove them from the Eastern Promenade.  This despite the fact that a food truck task force was formed and set down basic rules for the food truck owners at the outset.

Parking is inadequate in the Park.  So the overflow parking lot has become the Eastern Promenade.  A drive down the Eastern Promenade demonstrates that it is just as congested as it was last year.  One employee said it’s too bad the city didn’t set this up in front of the East End Community School that is vacant during the summer.  Another food truck employee said that when he arrived this morning, he could not find a parking space in the Park parking lot so he had to park on the Eastern Promenade.

The news that unless there are major changes to the rules of the Food Truck Park, the Park may be empty of them,  came as a disappointment to many patrons of the Park today..  “This space adds variety to places to walk around in Portland.  It’s so much better than walking my dog around in the Old Port,” said one frequent patron of the Park today.  “I support these food trucks.  I support small businesses.  Whatever works for them works for me,” said Amy Smith, a small business owner in the area.  “I think it would be a shame if the city decided to implement a fee next year.  I enjoy coming down here.  It creates a great sense of community that is needed here.  It’s a great place to meet friends that is lacking here in Portland,” said Quinn Graham, a remote worker who recently moved to Portland from New Hampshire.  “This is a huge draw down here.  Why wouldn’t the city want to promote and incentivize this Park?”

One of many good questions asked by patrons of the Park today.

This blogger has written extensively about the food truck situation because mhn.com believes the city of Portland has not dealt with them in an open and fair manner.  For much more background information on the Park, please visit posts herein dated April 2, June 1, May 25, May 24, May 22, May 5, and April 29, 2022.