Deering High School Invites the Public to 150th Homecoming Celebration Mid-October


Portland High School Senior Ben Medd on the Soccer/Football Field Where He Will Play a Defensive Position on the Varsity Soccer Team During the 150th Homecoing Celebration Next Month.   He Would like to Attend Tufts University Next Year to Study Biology or Stem Cell Research and, of course,  to Play Soccer and LaCrosse.

Deering High School Built in 1922.

The public is invited to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Deering High School at its Homecoming celebration Thursday, October 12 – Saturday, October 14th 2023.

Current HIghlights Include:  Thursday, October 12 – Prep Rally and Varsity Boys Soccer vs. Portland High School.  The excitement kicks off with a great pep rally Thursday afternoon and our varsity soccer game at 5:00 pm vs. the rival Bulldogs.  Join us for an electrifying atmosphere as we rally behind our student-athletes and showcase the timeless spirit of Deering High School (and Portland High Schoo!)

Friday, October 13, – Grand Homecoming Celebration.  The main event arrives as we gather to cheer on our Varsity Football Team vs Gorham High School at 6;00 pm.

Saturday October 14th. – Homecoming Dance for Deering Students Only.

Deerhing Hich School was established in 1874.  Students were housed in numerous buildings over the years, but the current building dates back more than a century to 1922.