Cousins Memorial Restoration on Eastern Promenade Underway


Workmen Constructing a Small Plaza on the Eastern Promenade Yesterday.

Cousins Memorial at the Intersection of Cutter Street and the Eastern Promenade Yesterday, 7/11/18.

A project to restore the Jacob Cousins Memorial on the Eastern Promenade is underway.  The Memorial was originally installed in 1935 to honor the patriotism and sacrifices of Jewish Americans during times of conflict.

The plan calls for constructing a small plaza with seating adt the intersection of Eastern Promenade and Cutter Street and some attractive landscape plantings to surround the restored and new visible Memorial.

City funding and generous support from the Friends of the Eastern Promenade are making this project possible.

The Friends have announced that Patsy Wiggins, a journalist, has been hired as executive director of the non-profit.  She has an article in the current AglessMaine “Stories From the Eastern Promenade.”

(Ms. Wiggins is the daughter of the late James R. Wiggins, a former US Ambassador to the UN, appointed by President Lyndon Johnson.   He was also the editor and owner of “The Ellsworth American,” in Ellsworth, Maine.  He had an extensive background in journalism and died in 2000 at 96 years of age.)