Pesident Biden Addressed the Nation Briefly from the White House on the Supreme Court’ Immunity Ruling Recently.

Vote for the Democratic Ticket in November to be Sure That Doald Trump and his Heritage Foundation “Project 2025” Don’t Occupy the White House Again.

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) at an Event in Portland Several Years Ago Issued a Statement on President Biden;s Candidacy Today…
First District Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D) today released the following statement:
“I’m continuing to have candid conversations with my colleagues and leadership about how we move forward. These are not easy discussions and not ones we expected to be having four months before the election, but they are necessary. The unifying force behind these conversations is a clear understanding that Donald Trump poses an existential threat to our democracy and we must do everything we can to make sure he does not end up back in the White House.
Project 2025 is a blueprint to dismantle freedoms of Americans and consolidate power in the presidency. If Trump wins this November, he will not hesitate to put the plans laid out in Project 2025 – from aggressively restricting abortion access nationwide to eliminating the Departmet of Education entirely – into action. My focus remains on making sure they do not succeed and on safeguarding the rights of people in Maine’s First District.
Joe Biden has been an exceptioal president, driving transformational investments in climate and infrastructure, lowering drug prices for seniors and rebuilding our economy from the middle out. His successes speak for themelves.
But I also recognize there are serious concerns about whether he is our strongest candidate to win in November and his ability to serve another term. Many of my constituents in Maine have voiced these concerns to me and I am listening. President Biden’s news oonference last night was a step in the right direction, but should he decide to stay in the race, the American people need assurances that he can defeat Donald Trump and build on his legacy in a second term,” the Congresswoman’s statement ended.
“I”m ridin’ with Biden,” said this blogger. “It’s time for the knee jerk elites in the Democratic party to throw in the towel and support President Biden’s candidacy for re-election in November. Trump and his Heritage Foundation “Project 2025″ need to be defeated, not President Biden. The New York Times is at the top of the ‘knee jerk elites.’ Boycott it.”