Congratulations to Anna Trevorrow on Victory as City Councilor From District 1


Candidate Anna Trevorrow Outside East End Community School Yesterday Afternoon Where She was Greeting Voters.

A Voter at East End Community School Yesterday Picks up His Ballot.

The Warden at East End Community School on Munjoy Hill said That 500 Had Voted by 4:30 pm Yesterday.

Congratulations to Anna Trevorrow in her victory to represent residents of District 1 on the Portland City Council.  It’s been a long, dark night for many living in District 1 these past few years. But this welcome shift in representation marks the return of  sunlight to issues before the City Council lacking by the terms of former Councilor Belinda Roy.

Anna Trevorrow defeated Sarah Michniewicz (M) in her first bid for public office with almost 50% of the votes cast of 1,985 over M. who garnered 41% of the votes according to the city of Portland’s unofficial count.

Trevorrow was supported not only by a majority of District 1 voters, but by:  Ben Chipman, Mike Sylvester, Micky Bondo, Sarah Thompson, Yusuf Yusuf and Marpheen Chann.  M. was supported by retiring City Councilor Belinda Ray and Hill resident Mary Casale.

Anna grew up in Monmouth, Maine and has lived on the Portland peninsula for 15 years.  She lives in East Bayside with her partner, State Senator Ben Chipman.  She works as a Medical Malpractice Paralegal at Norman, Hanson & DeTroy.  She has served on the Portland School Board. Experience Does Matter!

In District 2, Victoria Pelletier easily defeated Jon Hinck for City Council.  Pelletier won 55% of the vote with 2,168 of them critters!

In the at-large race, Robert Rodriguez, won with almost 27% of votes 5,553 of them, over Brandon Mazer.  Mazer serves as chair of the Portland Planning Board, a Board that many believe makes poorly based decisions.  He is an attorney with a speciality in liquor issues. These results are unofficial until they become official.

As of 4:30 pm yesterday afternoon 500 votes had been cast at the East End Community School according to the warden at that site.  Voters cast their votes in an adjacent and smaller space  because of the pandemic.  Officials wanted to keep voters separate from school children to avoid any exposure;  hence, the smaller and adjacent polling place.

The Warden and others reported a steady stream of voters all day. She reported that 500 votes had been cast by 4:30 pm when was there. Voters cast their ballots in a smaller and nearby space from previous years at the Munjoy Hill elementary school.   That was because of the pandemic.  Election officials sought to protect students at East End Community School from unnecessary exposure to any possible strains of the COVID-19 that might be lurking at the School.

Congratulations to all the winners including those who voted defeat of the CMP corridor.  Voters soundly defeated plans by Central Maine Power Co. to build a corridor. The vote was 59.2% opposed to the corridor with 40.8% voting in favor of the corridor. Environmental concerns were the primary reason for the defeat.  But for others the mismanagement of CMP by its arrogant leaders going back many years was an additional incentive to defeat the corridor.