By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,640)
The city’s economic development committee met yesterday afternoon to review information gathered to date on the possibility of a New Mainers office to be opened at the City Hall – possibly next year. The Committee is chaired by city councilor David Brennerman.
Julianne Sullivan, chief of staff and an assistant to city manager Jon Jennings, presented her comprehensive document outlining issues on the subject of an office for New Mainers. This was a campaign promise of Figurehead Mayor Ethan Strimling. However, Figurehead did not attend the Committee meeting. Rather his special assistant Jason Shedlock, attended in his absence. (Earlier this year, the hiring of a special assistant by the Figurehead was received with criticism.)
The most important development to come from the meeting was the Committee’s agreement that it would host a day long conference in October on the need for such an office. It will probably be held at USM, Portland, although details are sketchy at this time. Interest was indicated in trying to secure someone from the White House to be a key note speaker at the conference. That needs to be acted upon immediately if wanted.
A report of recommendations is expected to be ready by the end of the year said Chair Brennerman. That needs to happen in order to include any additional expenses in budget planning for the next fiscal year said Jennings.