Collins Missed the “Tell the Truth” List Because She Doesn’t Tell the Truth


Senator Susan Collins (R) at a Recent Senate Hearing in Washington, D.C.

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Senator Susan Collins (R) missed the “tell the truth” list. Yes she did.  That’s the truth!

In a list of twenty-four (24)  people with Maine ties, Senator Collins did not make the Americans Who Tell the Truth portrait series – a series by well-known Maine painter Rob Shetterly that he began back in 2002.  The article about the truthful Americans is told in the current issue of MAINE SENIORS by Richard Kane.

Not surprisingly there are few politicians on the Shetterly list; the standout  on the list is the late Senator Margaret Chase Smith who famously stood up to the late Senator Joe McCarthy.   A demagog from Wisconsin who ruined the careers of those he attacked in an era when this country was fearful of communists and anyone who might be one.  It was a dreadful time in our nation’s history.

This is another dreadful time in our history as well. There is much criticism of Collins’ failure to stand up to Trumpy.  It’s nothing new.  He’s a demagog who needed to be shutdown long ago.  Trumpy attacks people with the intent of  destroying them.  We can only look forward to the day when that cycle is reversed in our nation’s courts.  That’s when Trumpy’s outsized mouth will be hushed finally.

Collins tries to paint herself as a “moderate” as do her supporters at the “Republican Press Herald.”  She’s not.  Neither is telling the truth.

Collins once famously said that she thought that Trumpy had learned a lesson following his impeachment by Congress.  She believed that he would be much more cautious in his behavior in the future.  Collins has never called Trumpy out for who he really is.  She doesn’t tell the truth.

It’s clear Collins will never make anyone’s Tell the Truth list.  She has missed an opportunity to make Mainers proud of her in the tradition of the late Senator Margaret Chase Smith. She has squandered that opportunity.  She will be remembered in Maine’s history for all the wrong reasons.

Real women tell the truth!

For more information, please see post herein dated January 24, 2020 on the byebyesusan magnets.