CNN Reports That Suspect Card Found Dead by Self- Inflicted Gunshot Wound in Maine Woods


CNN cable news interrupted its regular programming to announce that Robert Card ws found deceased earlier this evening with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the Maine woods near his hometown.  The interruption in programming came during  the Israel invasion of Gaza coverage – about 9:15 pm.

Simultaneously, the Maine Department of Public Safety Information officer Shannon Moss announced there will be a press conference this evening at 10:00 pm.  CNN reporter John Miller said that Card’s body was found near a recyclying plant from which he was fired.  Miller also stated that the note found last night in his home was more of a “financial;” statement for his son.  The message in the note made it clear that he did not intend to live for a long time to come.

Frankly, it was annoying that the national news learned of Card’s suicide before the local press learned of it.  It is this blogger’s understanding that it was Senator Angus King (I)  that tipped off the national press before the local press was informed of the news.  Not nice Senator.