Portland Landlord Makes Generous Donation to City Family Shelter


The City’s Family Shelter is the Reciepient of a Generous Donation from Mohammed Kargar, Second From Right in the Above Photograph. Jeff Tardif, Program Manager for the Family Shelter is Second from Left in Above Photo.

The city of Portland’s Family Shelter received a generous donation from a Portland landlord last week.  Mohammed Kargar, who owns several rental properties in Portland wanted to increase his giving this year in light of the pandemic and its impact on people in Portland.  He donated $4,000. to the Family Shelter, 54 Chestnut Street.

The funds will be used for school supplies and individual needs said Jeff Tardif, Program Manager for the Family Shelter.

“What a role model for other Portland landlords,” said munjoyhillnews.com in a press release to itself issued today.  “Maybe more landlords will follow Mr. Kargar’s example.”

The press release suggests this is not the first time, Mr. Kargar has donated to the Shelter, but it gave no additional information on that subject.