Portland’s city hall has long experienced a severe shortage of employees for a variety of reasons that are too complex to delve into here. So, it came as a surprise to this blogger to learn that the Recreation Leader for 62+ CHAT, Alyssa Hadley, was fired from her position at the end of July 2023. Hadley, who had been in this position for almost a year, was earning almost $50,000. annually according to her former boss Ethan Hipple, Director of Parks, Recreation & Facilities in a recent email to this blogger. Hadley’s first day on the job was August 8, 2022.
“Alyssa believed that she was being discriminated against by the city,” said an active member of the 500 member non-profit sponsored by the city. She is gay and believed that she was discriminated against by the city for that reason said this source. “The city just wanted a paper and pencil pusher. The city would not let Allyssa do anything creative,” she said. “And she is very creative.” Alyssa allegedly complained to a superior that she was being discriminated against, but her situation did not improve. She was out of a job at the end of July 2023.
A new 62+ Chat Leader has been hired to begin on Monday, September 25. Neither the city spokeswoman Jessica Grondin nor Ethan Hipple of the Recreation Department were willing to divulage her name, background and why this person is qualified for the position. Interestingly, neither would divulge the salary which is PUBLIC information. Consequentlly, all salary information should be forthcoming by city hall.` “What is the city hiding this time?” asks this blogger.
Forr more background information on the employment Alyssa Hadley, please visit post herein dated November 16, 2022.