Celebrate Flag Day Today at the Portland Observatory – Free Admission All Day


The Portland Obervatory, Now Open Full-Time Until October Was a Major Part of the Portland Economy in the 1800s.

Today is FLAG DAY.  It marks the adoption of the flag of the US on June 14, 1777 by resoluation of the Second Continental Congress.  The Portland Observatory and our docents will be available for questions during self-guided free tourrs of the site from 10:00 am until 5:30 pm.

To mark the day John York, great grandson of the original proprietor Captain Lemuel Moody will raise the flag (weather permitting) at 10:00 am and a guided Munjoy Hill Walking Tour will begin at 1:00 pm.  Children’s activities will be available.  Admission to the Observatory is no longer by “on-line.”  Walk ins are required currently.

Meanwhile, Greater Portland Landmarks is continuing to dscuss with its attorneys the possibility of an appeal of the recent Portland City Council vote to re-classify 142 Free Street which allows the Portland Museum of Art to demolish the former Chamber of Commerce headquarters and Children’s Museum of Maine building in the Congress Street Historic Disrict.

The decision will be made over the next few days. The announcement will be made next week on how Greater Portland Landmarks intends to proceed at that time.

For backgkround information on the Observatory, please visit post herein dated June 5, 2024, “City Misses Boat on Working Waterfront Tour….”