Bellows Informs Voters of Possible Misregistration in New Party; “No Labels”


Maine’s Secretary of State Shenna Bellows With President Biden Behind Her at the White House for a Women’s History Month Celebration. She is the First Woman in Maine to Hold the Position.

Dozens of Maine voters may have inadvertently registered in a new party – No Labels – according to Secretary of State Shenna Bellows it was announced yesterday, May 12.  No Labels is seeking party status in Maine.

The state’s Division of Elections has become aware of numerous complaints from Maine voters who were surprised to learn that they were enrolled in the No Labels party.  Voters expressed to election officials that they were told they were signing a petition in support of adding this new party and had not realized they were enrolling in a new party.

To qualify for ballot access for the 2024 primaries, new parties must enroll 5,000 voters by January 2, 2024.  No petitions are involved in meeting that 5,000 voter threshold, only voter registration forms.

The Department sent voters currently listed as being enrolled in the No Labels party a letter this week informing them of their enrollment status.  Voters wishing to remain enrolled in the No Labels party, do not need to do anything.  Voters wishing to change their enrollment status may do so by filling out a voter registration card, which they can obtain by calling or visiting their municipal clerkor at  Completed and signed applications must be submitted to a voter’s municipal clerk office.  There is a 3-month waiting period from when a voter is enrolled in a party, including the No Label party, before any enrollment change can become effective.  Voters can expect to receive these letters sometime this week or early next week.

On Thursday, the Department contacted the No Labels party to instruct them that they should not be telling Maine voters that they are signing a “petition” when they are filling out voter registration cards.

“Voters have the freedom to associate with the political party of their choice or no party at all,” said Secretary of State Shenna Bellows.  “We were concerned after hearing reports of dozens of voters alleging they were unaware they had been enrolled in the Maine No Labels party and are working to ensure every voter understands their rights.”