AG Mills Wins Dems Nomination; EMILY’S List Congrats Her As Does This Blogger!


AG Janet Mills is the Winner of the Democratic Primary Announced This Evening.

Former Governor Joe Brennan (D) on One of His Frequent Walks on the Eastern Promenade Recently; He Endorsed AG Janet Mills for Governor Recently.


Attorney General Janet Mills has won the Democratic nomination for Governor in November 2018.  She won over Adam Cote whose last minute effort to defeat her was based largely on efforts to distort her record on television ads –  a tactic that didn’t work and may have backfired on him when it was realized it was simply – “fake news.”

AG Mills will face Shawn Moody (R) in the race to replace Governor Paul LePage in the fall.  Moody is a businessman.   Haven’t we had enough businessmen trying to play politics with our lives?

“Janet Mills made history as the first woman to serve as a district attorney in New England, the first woman to serve as Maine’s Attorney General and now, she is one step closer to becoming Maine’s first  woman Governor.  Janet has spent her career protecting the working families of Maine and as a lifelong Mainer herself, she understands the issues facing the state.  As governor, she will continue the fight to expand economic opportunities and create good-paying jobs.  This is an open seat being vacated by extreme right-wing Republican Paul LePage.  EMILY’s List was proud to endorse Janet and we look forward to electing her this November,” according to a press release signed by Stephanie Schrock, President of EMILY’s List.

AG Mills has already issued a letter saying that she is “deeply honored to accept this nomination.”  She  expressed her appreciation to her Democratic colleagues for keeping the focus of the campaign on the issues facing the state.  AG Mills also asked for all Democrats to work together to resolve the many issues facing Mainers.  Certainly some of those caused by an extreme right-wing Republican Governor.

Please see previous posts herein on the race dated June 8th and 11th, 2018.