Murdaugh Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murdering His Wife and Son


Alex Murdaugh (L) Just Before Sentencing by Judge Clifton Newman Shown in Upper Right Corner.

Alex Murdaugh Moments Before Judge Newman Sentenced Him to Two Life Sentences for the Murder of His Wife and Young Son.

Prosecudtor Creighton Waters Addressed Murdaugh at the Outset of Today’s Sentencing Hearing.  Waters Did  Not Ask for the Death Penalty, Although it is Permitted in South Carolina.

Alex Murdaugh was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences in prison for the murder of his wife, Maggie, and his son, Paul,shortly after 10:00 AM this morning in the South Carolina Circuit Court room of Judge Clifton Newman, in Walterboro, South Carolina.

The sentence followed a blistering rebuke by Judge Newman to Murdaugh in which he said this is “one of the most troubling cases I’ve heard.”  In a lengthy rebuke to Murdaugh, the Judge said he has not been able to understand what happened to make Murdaugh “pull the trigger.”

The Judge said that the state had not called for the death penalty in this case, although others have received the death penalty “probably for lesser offenses.  The state has not asked for that.”

The Judge continued:   “I am sure you see Maggie and Paul every night when they come to visit you as you try to sleep.”  Murdaugh maintained his innocence in the murder of his wife and son throughout the sentencing – saying little since whatever he may utter could be used against him in an appeal that is sure to come.

In an unusual move, Murdaugh took the stand during the trial on his behalf.  During that time, Murdaugh admited that he had lied for years to many people.  But he was not lying when he said that he would never hurt his wife, Maggie, and son, Paul.  The jury did not believe him because they returned a verdict of guilty yesterday afternoon following  brief deliberations of the evidence presented at the five week trial.

Television anchors speculated that part of the reason for his maintaining his innocence could be related to his attorneys intention to appeal the murder charge – an appeal that is expected to be filed within 10 days.  An appeal might include Judge Newman’s allowance of his background in stealing money from numerous clients while serving as their attorney going back for years.

At the outset of the sentencing hearing, Prosecudtor Creighton Waters described the two victims of Alex Murdaugh who were cut down in the prime of their lives.  He asked the Judge to impose the maximum sentence of life in prison.

Of particular interest to this blogger was the fact that the same day one of his law partners confronted him about his stealing money from the law firm in which he was a partner, was the same day that he shot and killled his wife and son at the family’s dog kennels in rural South Carolina.  Murdaugh’s father and grandfather were well known attorneys in South Carolina.