Poster Distributed at Rally on City Hall Steps Opposed to Confirmation of Kavanaugh’s Nomination to the Supreme Court.
An impressive group of more than 750 administrators, faculty and staff across the state of Maine, representing 19 different academic institutions, plan to present Senator Susan Collins (R) with an open letter urging her to vote against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United Sates. This is based on the recent allegations of sexual misconduct levied against him according to a press release issued today by Mainers for Accountable Leadership.
“Our letter argues that because the current FBI investigation of Kavanaugh is not criminal in nature, the ‘proof beyond a reasonable doubt’ standard should not be employed when senators cast their votes. Referring to Kavanaugh’s accusers, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Rameriz and Julie Swetnick, the letter states:
“We recognize that the testimony shared – at great personal cost to the women who have come forward – does not necessarily prove that Kavanaugh is guilty of the criminal behavior described. But we also recognize that the Kavanaugh accusers are asserting their civil right to freedom from discrimination. The civil “more likely right than wrong” (50% plus a feather) standard of proof should be used to select the next Supreme Court Justice.
“The allegations against Kavanaugh are personal,” the letter continues. “Many of us are survivors, and we all have students and colleagues who are survivors. Dr. Ford’s testimony on Thursday was a powerful reminder of what we already know: women are frequently shamed and harassed, taunted, groped, assaulted and disbelieved.” (Read: “Blaming the Victim” by William Ryan, published in 1971.)
The letter not entirely reproduced here was written by professors at Bowdoin College, the University of New England as well as Bates and Colby Colleges. A group of faculty survivors plans on meeting with Senator Susan Collins (R) in Washington, D.C. tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday, October 3, 2018 to persuade Collins to reject the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Please read post herein dated October 1, 2018 regarding three Maine women who were arrested by Portland Police at Senator Susan Collins office.