Nicole Clegg, VP of Public Policy for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England said the Defunding is Purely Political at a Press Conference Recently Called by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-01).
Trumpcare is an insult to women’s health care according to an editorial in today’s New York Times. May 13. 2017.
By coincidence a group of local women from the national organization, UltraViolet, protested Trumpcare in a rally this afternoon at Lobsterman’s Park across from Senator Susan Collins (R) office.
As the editorial stated, millions of Americans will be adversely affected should Trumpcare pass. But especially hurt will be the millions of women who rely on Obamacare. Specifically, if you haven’t read the editorial, defunding Planned Parenthood would have a disastrous effect for women in rural or under served areas. That includes District 1 that Rep. Bruce Poliquin represents. He just voted in support of Trumpcare as well.
Nicole Clegg, VP of Planned Parenthood, recently said at a press conference called by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D01) that this effort to defund Planner Parenthood is unprecedented. “It’s purely political,” she said.
Many services for women’s health care such as mammograms, birth control, prenatal and maternity care are due to be eliminated if the House proposal succeeds. Women are most often users of mental health care as well as prescription drugs and coverage of these expensive protections could be expendable as well by the Trump administration.
Oh – by the way – Happy Mother’s Day! Mysgonomy is Alive and Well in the Trump administration.