View From the Top of Munjoy Hill


T-Shirt Created by Freddie Haynes of East End Screen Printing on Washington Avenue.

Welcome to the Munjoy Hill News – Portrait of a Community. Ours is a vibrant community – from the developing waterfront to the expanding community garden on North Street. Each is changing in its own way and perhaps even in contradictory ways. One promotes commercial growth and the other is part of the national ’back to basics’ movement They are two of my favorite places on the Hill.

Behind the scenes at these locations and so many others like them are our neighbors and friends. Each with remarkable stories to share, often hidden behind a Victorian façade or a Macbook in a coffee shop. Always waiting we are to learn about the neighbors we only know by the name of their dog. By necessity, we hibernate during the Winter putting off hearing those remarkable stories until Spring blooms again and we emerge from our cocoons with limitless possibilities before us once again. This blog will try to share these stories behind the Victorian façade or the Macbook, regardless of the season.

It is these stories that I want to share with others. I look for these stories with every step I take on my way to the waterfront where I watch the boats tugging at their moorings impatient to be off on another adventure. I seek these stories on my way to the organic only community garden on North Street which brings me back to reality – where discipline and often team work are needed to reap the benefits of my planting and weeding. Day dreaming will not get the weeding done! Whether you are from here or ’from away’ the stories resonate. Just who tells them is always fresh and that’s what it’s all about. They never get old.  (Unless otherwise noted in the article, all articles are written by this blogger. )

It is important to  note that this blog has no affiliation or connection with the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization whatsoever.  Rather, this is an independent blog that does not accept advertising in order to maintain its independence!

And with that said, I unveil a continually changing picture of a community like no other – Munjoy Hill. Welcome – it may not always be smooth sailing, but it will be informative and fun, I promise you!


Carol McCracken, Editor

Summer 2008