Starting on Monday, March 15th, motorists need to be aware of alternating closures to the on and off ramps of the 1-295 Exit (Franklin Street) interchange for the next eight weeks. The city of Portland will be placing message boards with the latest ramp closure information in the vicinity of the work. The ramp closures will vary during the eight week timeframe so motorists should pay attention to the message boards or make plans to seek alternate routes during this time.
This traffic alert is to connect existing utilities within the intersection of Marginal Way and Franklin Street to the new storage tanks under the Preble Street playing fields. This project is one of the city’s latest sewer separation projects to prevent combined sewer overflows into Back Cove. The work to reduce overflows is part of the city’s agreement with the U.S. EPA to reduce and eliminate the flow of combined waste being discharged. A combined sewer system transports wastewater from home, industries, and businesses, as well as storm water collected from streets, parking lots, roofs and yards to the East End Wastewater Treatment Plant. A combined sewer overflow occurs when the combined sewer capacity is overwhelmed during heavy rain events and a mix of sewer and storm water is discharged into Back Cove.
Maine DOT has requested that all work be completed by Memorial Day, May 31, 2021.