The Maine Department of Transportation will be closing a section of Interstate 295 north and south between Portland and Falmouth for the Veranda Street Bridge Replacement project.
The full closure will take place on Friday, April 22 at 7:00 pm untkil Monday, April 25 at 11:00 am.
Additionally, Veranda Street will be closed for a week from 2:00 pm on Monday, April 18 to 2:00 pm on Monday, April 25th.
At 60 years old, the Veranda Street Bridge is near the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced for safetys sake. Whlle there is no perfect time to do road construction, MaineDOT picked this weekend in April based on historic trafic flows. This project not only replaces the outdated bridge, but it will create a safer intersection with Veranda Street and add lanes to protect bicycles and pedesterians, plus fix problematic drainage.
Please make a travel plan to avoid delays and traffic congestion. Visit for more information.