TEMPOArt Hires First Full-Time Executive Director to Start Next Month


Three Whimsical Structures at Payson Park, Portland. Tell a Story of the Bottom of the Ocean’s Content by TEMPOArt.

Laura Zorch McDermit has been hired as the first full-time Executive Director of TEMPOArt according to a press release issued yesterday by the Board president Meg Adams.  Her first day on the job at the ten year old non-profit is March 3, 2025.

The non-profit  was founded by fiber artist Alice Spencer and is known for its thought provoking art installations located around the city of Portland.  Often they have  a social/political  message attached to them.. For example,  Its inaugural installation – “The American Dream”  reflected the chaotic housing situation locally.  It was installed at Lincoln Park on the east end of Portland.  Its second art installaltion was in the Old Port – “Occupied Wall” which made a political statement that resonates strongly today. – very strongly today!

Previously, Laura served as Executive Director from 2020-2025 in the Laramie Wyoming Public Art Coalition.  Prior to that, she spent 15 years in Pittsburgh piloting artist-led programming at the Carnegie Museum of Art and creating educational programs in the Office of Public Art (now Shiftworks).

Laura has a master’s degree in Arts Management from Carnegie Mellon University.

“I am excited to join TEMPOArt and make Maine my home.  It will be an absolute joy to connect with the Portland community to create moments of belonging and curiousity through public art alongside my new neighbors,” said Laura.  She and her husband, Matt McDermot have spent time visiting Maine before considering a move here and feel that Portand is a perfect match for them.  As the co-author of three books about Pittsburdgh food, she is looking forward to exploring this food and art-centric city.

TEMPOArt was founded by artist Alice Spencer in 2014.  The non-profit commissions public art that sparks dialogue, builds community and inspires our collective imagination.

For more background information on installations of the non-profit, please visit posts herein dated July 18 2024, July 6, 2020. and August 4, 2017. One installation was at Fish Point on the East End of Portland. Another installation this summer was on the Back Cove Trail.  A third installation occurred in the Old Port and was called “Occupied Wall,”.

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