Tandem Mobility Bikeshare Program Arrives in Portland on Monday, August 15


The Logo for Tandem Mobility – Arriving in Portland on Monday, August 15.

Tandem Mobility, a community-focused micromobility provider is launching Portland Bikeshare on Monday, August 15,.  It is the first bikeshare program ever in Portland and has taken years to become a reality with funding of the program being a challenge for the project.

It will begin with an initial introduction of 50 bikes, with additional bikes added to the fleet over the following weeks.  Users will enjoy convenient access to 150 traditional geared bikes and 50 elecdtric assist bikes staged at over 40 parking hubs throughout the peninsula.  The press release issued by the city late this afternoon does not indicate exactly where these 40 parking hubs are to be located.

While trips must start and end at designated parking hubs, which are identified in a movatic app and by physical signage at each location, bikes may be temporarily locked to any bike rack during the rental.  Geared cruiser bikes will cost $1. to unlock and $0.15/ minute.  Electric assist bikes will cost $2.00 to unlock and $0.30/minute.  A $14.99 monthly membership waives the unlock fees and provides a 50% discount on the per minute rate.

A fall celebration is planned

For more background information on the Bikeshare Program, please visit post herein dated June 20, 2022.