Portland City Hall Remains Closed Due to COVID-19 Numbers in Cumberland County


Patsy Murphy, Executive Director of the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland Wears a Face Mask Decorated with Cat Whiskers.  Mask Up, Indoors Now,  Even if You are Fully Vaccinated.

The city of Portland is alerting the public that Cumberland County is now listed as having substantial community transmission of COVID-19.  Given this, Mayor Kate Snyder and City Manager Jon Jennings are recommending that everyone wear masks when inside regardless of vaccination status, in according with US and Maine CDC guidelines.

As county community transmission levels are expected to change daily, the city is asking the public to remain aware of current recommendations by visiting the CDC’s site, reading/watching the news, following the requirements of private establishments and when in doubt, masking up.

City Manager Jon Jennings is reimplementing increased mask requirements for city staff in city buildings during this time as well. City Hall remains closed to the general public and is currently open for limited in-person services.

To learn more about where you can get a vaccine, call 1 888 – 445-4111 Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.