Portland Resident Julia Gustafson Marched With a Message for the Incoming Trump Administration During the Women’s March That Began on Munjoy Hill.

“Rosie” was the February 5, 2017 cover of the “New Yorker”Magazine, by Freeport Artist, Abigail Gray Swartz.

Signs at a Rally at Lobstermen Park on Middle Street Asking Senator Susan Collins (R) to Stand up to Trump and His Pick for the US Supreme Court. Sue Hanes is at Right.
You are urged to attend a rally in opposition to the possible nomination to the US Supreme Court of Brett Kavanaugh at the State House, 210 State Street, Augusta on Saturday, July 28, 2018. The rally runs from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. Join the Maine Women’s Lobby and numerous other organizations in this effort to stop the assaults on our rights that the nomination of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court would guarantee.
Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the US would threaten access to healthcare, access to birth control and abortion, civil rights, immigrants’ rights, workers’ rights, gun control, consumer protections and clean air and clean water.
“The assaults on our rights from the Trump administration are endless. Maybe they think they can wear us down: said a recent press release issued by the Maine Women’s Lobby. “But they underestimate our passion, our unrelenting commitment to what’s right and the power and influence we hold when we raise our voices together.”
The press release continues: “Folks like you have been busy calling, writing, holding actions and meeting with Senators and their staffs. Together we can win this battle. Join us along with our partner organizations on July 28th in Augusta at the State House as we form a united front and urge Senators Collins (R) and King (I) NOT to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court.”
For more information, please call (207) 622-0851 or Jen at jsorkin@mainewomen.org