Earlier this week Donald Trump, Jr. acknowledged that his legal team was notified by letter that he is a target of the Department of Justice’s investigation into his illegal efforts to undo his loss to President Biden in the 2020 election. That desparate effort of Trump’s is expected by many legal minds to result in a third indictment to be issued at any moment now.
In other words, the target letter is seen by many legal minds as a signal that Trump is about to be indicted for the third time by DOJ’s special counsel Jack Smith. The three statutes referred to in this case are the most serious to date. So many have an opinion on whether Trump will be indicted and what the consequences of such an action by DOJ will mean to this nation. For many, speculation is rampant.
The Spineless Senator Susan Collins (R) apparently has no opinion onTrump’s legal woes. Or. if she does, she’s keeping it to herself.
Earliler this week, this blogger emailed the Senator’s long-time communications director Annie Clark multiple times asking for a statement or press release on the Senator’s view of the legal issues facing Trump and the consequences of those legal entanglements for him personally and the nation – for publication in this blog. Silence! Is this a snub from a snob or incompetence? Or maybe a little of both.
It’s a well-established fact that Senator Collins (R) avoids any public appearances in southern Maine – any public forums where her views can be scrutinized in an unprotected environment.
Noteworthy, Senator Collins (R) did attend the grand opening of the Sun Life building on June 27, 2023 on Munjoy HIll where she addressed the select few invited to the occasion. – a sheltered and protected environment where she did not have to face public input.
This is far too serious a subject for the spineless Senator to ignore – yet she does. It begs the question: democracy or autocracy. Which does she support?
What used to be the law and order republican party is the Cult of Trump and the No Ethics republican party of Justice Thomas on the Supreme Court. Spineless Senator Collins (R) is okay with corruption and criminal behvior in her party? Where is Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R) when the nation needs her? This Maine senator famously stood up to US Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, a fellow Republican from Wisconsin and his hideous claims that destroyed so many innocent lives.
Trumpism is a disease that can be fatal to our democracy and to the health of our suffering Earth. Silence is complicity, Senator.