Santa Claus is coming to town to answer the present wishes of all children – some have written him and some have not – but he still knows what boys and girls in Maine want most. And it’s not Tyrannical Trump!
In an exclusive interview late last week, Santa admitted that he has wishes as well for Christmas and 2020. But he never gets to tell anyone about them because he’s always listening to others. So, took this opportunity to ask him:
What’s at the top of your wish list?
“I’m a Democrat. Always have been. So I hope that the Democrats have an opportunity for a fair trial in the US Senate whenever it happens. That will be when Speaker Pelosi is satisfied with the rules of the Senate trial set by the White House and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. She will then turn over the Articles of Impeachment approved by the House last week.
The Republicans who have been complaining about the “process” conducted so far by the Democrats are in jeopardy of the same criticism unless they permit witnesses to testify. Witnesses such as Michael Duffey whose email just came to light over the weekend, White House attorney Dan McGhan and all the others with more first-hand knowledge of Trump’s crimes against Ukraine and elsewhere. But apparently Republicans are so desperate to avoid the incriminating truth, that Congressmen Jim Jordan and Doug Collins don’t care about their critics. Who knows what other scandalous facts Americans might learn about criminal Trump?
Maine’s Senator Susan Collins (R) could play an important role in making a fair trial happen, but most likely she will continue to undistinguish herself in the on-going Trump scandals – that’s her track record after all – and she’s not likely to change. She’s as afraid of Trump as the rest of them are. Lacking a backbone unlike some of her predecessors, Collins has tied herself irrevocably to the tyrannical Trump. She has joined the Trump war on women, asylum seekers and the environment. The list is long. Free the children living in cages at the southern border for example.
Collins is so tainted by the Trump morass that there is no digging out of it for her now. Dig away, but it’s too late! “She needs to be voted out of office,” said Santa. Even the “Republican Press Herald” editorial page editor seems dumbfounded by her allegiance to Trump and his crooked cronies. “Try as the daily local has to pull Collins out of Trump’s morass, she has stayed down there with him and his crooked cronies. Get rid of her,” said Santa grimacing at the thought of her. “She doesn’t listen to Mainers. She only listens to what big corporations want to pursue their agendas of greed.”
Santa said his second biggest wish is that the US rejoin the Paris Agreement which Trump has removed the US from. That foolish move of his further diminishes the respect of the US worldwide. “I know,” said Santa. “I travel the world. I hear conversations all over the world. Many of them are of laughter at Trump. And so importantly to me, my home at the North Pole is in jeopardy from climate change,” Santa said. “Glaciers are melting at a far faster rate than scientists predicted. What would the world be like without Santa?”
He conceded that he doesn’t usually get involved in US politics, but when Trump’s ignorant policies threaten his home and those of Rudolph and all of his reindeer, it’s time to get political! “It’s time for everyone to get political!” said Santa with disdain for those who don’t vote and can.
“Impeach Part Two? Of course,” chortled Santa as he adjusted his beard. “The country needs to get rid of him before he destroys it – one way or another.” The idea of a second impeachment has been floated in the television news because of additional crimes perpetuated by Trump have been discovered.
And with that last remark, Santa was gone – not up a chimney – but around the corner of the local toy section of a prominent store in Portland,. Even before could wish him a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!