Remembering Darien Richardson at “End Gun Violence” Rally


The Richardsons, Parents of the Late Darien, at Monument Square Rally Today

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 1,334)

Judi Richardson, mother of a gun violence victim, spoke passiontely to a crowd of over 100 people, about the necessity of commonsense gun legislation to halt the number of crimes against the young and the innocent, in particular.  The Rally was held at Monument Square in downtown Portland this morning. It was sponsored by Organizing for Action (OFA) and Mayors Against Ilegal Guns.

Over three years ago, 25 year old Darien Richardson, a graduate of Bowdoin College, was asleep in her bedroom in Portland.”  Masked intruders burst into her bedroom and started shooting.  Darien was shot at several times hitting her in her upper thigh and her left hand.  She died on February 28, 2010 due to a pulmonary embolism caused as a direct resul of the gunshot wounds.  This violent homicide remains unsolved,” Judi said.

“We are hear today to make it known that we have not forgotten Newtown, Tuscon, Virginia Tech and  Columbine.  The local names of Matt Blanchard, Kevin Foley, James Okot, Darien Richardson and Renee Sandora are not as recogonized as the names of other victims,” Richardson said.  “We can’t have Darien back, but it’s not too late to prevent more tragedies.”

Police Chief Michael Sauschuck said:  “There are second amendment rights.  But citizens have rights as well.  You have the right to be appalled and you have the right  to make phone calls to federal legislators to pass commonsense gun legislation.”

For more background information, please visit Post # 1,323, dated 3/28/13 herein.

For more information, please visit Her family has established a nonprofit in her memory.  It is dedicated to advocating for victims and families, as well as providing emotional supoprt and resources required to help those affeced by violent crimes, find justice and peace in their healing journey.

Patricia A. Eltman, of Public Affairs Group, organized the rally this morning.  Please visit for more information.

For more background information, please visit Post # 1,323, dated 3/18/13 herein.