Ranked-Choice Tabulation Required for Congressional District 2 Race; Golden vs. Poliquin


Based on initial results of the first choice votes in the General Election for Maine Congressional District 2, ranked-choice tabulation will be required, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows announced this afternoon.  The rankekd-choice voting tabulation will take place Tuesday, November 15.  It will happen at Suite 13, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta.

One of the candidates in the upcoming tabluation is US Rep. Jared Golden who is running for his third term.  His closest competition is Bruce Poliquin.  Poliquin lost to Golden in 2018 after serving for four years in that position.

Ranked-choice voting requires that the winner must receive more than 50% of the votes cast.  Go to RCV Resources Web site for more on ranked-choice voting tabulation.

As always, official results will be available and posted 20 days after the election as EXcel files on the Election Results page.