Protest Rally Against Trumpcare in Portland on Saturday; Speakers Sought !


Park Where Protest Rally is to Take Place on Saturday, May 13th.

You are invited to attend a protest rally on Saturday, May 13th at 2:00 pm at Lobsterman Park in downtown Portland. The rally is in opposition to Trumpcare and to be sure that Senator Susan Collins (R) is aware of how her constituents feel about this proposed piece of legislation.  Lobsterman Park is across from the Senator’s office at 1 Canal Plaza.

If Trumpcare were passed, 24 million people would loose their coverage and the bill is especially unforgiving for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.

This rally is organized by Portland’s UltraViolet team.  UltraViolet works to fight sexism and expand women’s rights.  Anyone who shares these goals is welcome to join us.  The group is looking for anyone who might be comfortable speaking on the subject at the May 13th rally.

Please visit for more information.