Portland Police Respond to Active Shooter Hoax at Portland High School


On Tuesday, Novemer 15, 2022 at 8:31 AM the Portland Regional Communication Center received a call on an administrative line reporting that there was an active shooter at Portland High School according to a press release issued late this afternoon by the Portland Police Department.  The caller reported that students had been shot and stayed on the phone for a few minutes relaying information and then disconnected.

Police officers arrived on scene and made contact with school staff who were unaware of the call.  The school was immediately put on lockdown and a search of the open areas of the school was completed by more than 35 police officers that had responded to the school.  The Portland Fire Department also staged medics in the area.

Within a short time after our arrival, reports of similar incidents at other school started to become known.  Out of an abundance of caution, individual classrooms and locked areas were methodically searched while the school remained in lockdown until almost 11:00 am.

Investigators are urging anyone with information that might be helpful in this case, to please call (207) 874-8575.