The pre-application process deadline for American Rescue Plan Act, (ARPA), funds has been extended according to a press release issued this morning by the city of Portland’s spokeswoman The new deadline is Friday, August 19, at 4:00 pm. There is approximately $11.2 million in funding that is anticipated to be available to businesses, nonprofits, and governmental entities. This is in addition to the 19 projects approved after the first participatory ARPA funding process in November 2021
The city is also still collecting survey responses to gauge how the community feels ARPA funding should be utilized. More than 1,000 survey responses have been received so far. The survey is expected to run through mid-August and can be found by visiting Survey results will be presented to both the Finance Committee and City Council later this summer.
Approximately $14 million of ARPA funds from the first round were used to support community and city projects. The addition of public restrooms throughout the city, support for mental health programs and grants for both small businesses and chld care providers.
For more information on ARPA and a complete list of projects that have received funding, please visit our ARPA website: