Portland Declares Citywide Parking Ban Tonight; Starts at 10:00 pm



By Carol McCracken  (Post # 1,318)

A citywide parking ban for the City of Portland has been declared beginning at 10:00 pm tonight, March 19th and ending at 6:00 am tomorrow morning, March 20th.  The parking ban has been declared so that Public Services crews can clear and remove snow from today’s storm.

Vehicles left on the street during a ban will be towed at the owner’s expense (tow fee – $70, impound fee – $35, ticket cost – $30. and all outstanding tiackets must be paid.  vehicles not claimed within 24 hours will be charged $25. storage fee per day).  Vechicles will be towed to the city’s impund lot located at the Ocean Gateway International Marine Terminal, 40 Commercial Street (phone number 774-3025).  At the end of the day following a parking ban, unclaimed vehicles will be towed to private tow company lots and storage fees of $25. per day will accrue.

There are a number of places people can park at no charge during a parking ban including:  Cutter Street lot (off the Eastern Prom);parking lot on Munjoy ‘Street, formerly known as the Adams School lot; Lot across the street from the International Marine Terminal on Commercial Street, (lot available after 8:pm) to name a few of the locations.

Vehicles can begin to park in these designated areas at 5:00 pm tonight.  Vehicles  must be moved from the city lots by 7:00 am tomorrow mornng.

People can call the parking ban hotline at 879-0300 or check the Time and Temperature sign for up-to-date postings.

The City Hall closed at 3:30 pm today due to the inclement weather for all non-essential personnel.