By Carol McCracken (Post # 1,500)
Munjoy Hill has been the target of burglaries recently according to a press release issued by the Portland Police Department on Friday and just received this morning by from city councilor Kevin Donoghue, District 1. Hill streets named specifically include Melbourne Street, Hammond Street, Vesper Street and Morning Street. Also included in the list was the Munjoy Hill Apartment complex, Fore Street.
The burglaries have occurred all hours of the day and night. In some instances residents were home during the burglaries. Residents are encouraged to lock all their doors and windows when they leave their home. Securing all valuables and keeping detailed lists of serial numbers of electronics is recommended. Frequently these items are sold and recovery is difficult when no serial numbers or unique markings are available.
The burglars have entered the locations through unlocked doors and have cut screens on open windows. Common items stolen in these burglaries have been laptop computers, computer tablets, cash, jewelry, medications and firearms. Apple products have been very popular items that burglars have targeted. The police department has increased patrols in this area. Residents are encouraged to contact the police when they witness unusual behavior or subjects in their neighborhood. One resident confronted a potential suspect who has been described as a white male with black jeans, black sneakers, black back pack, dark hair, about 6’00 tall with scruffy facial hair.
The manager of Munjoy Hill South Apartments told this morning that this complex was not part of the problem. There was an in-house burglary that was resolved last week.
According to Police Department records, there were 7 burglaries of motor vehicles and 4 residential burglaries. They occurred between July 20 and as recently as August 17th. More specifically, the residential burglaries occurred at 7 Munjoy South, 27 Morning Street, 92 Vesper Street and 47 Munjoy Street. (Thanks to Kevin Donoghue for that information.)