Planning Board Workshop on Proposed East Cove Townhouses Tentatively Set for August

145-155 Washington Avenue; Proposed East Cove Townhouses.

145-155 Washington Avenue; Proposed East Cove Townhouses.

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,171)

The City’s Planning Office has just notified that the tentative date of Tuesday, August 26th, has been set as a workshop for a proposed zone change at 145 – 155 Washington Avenue.  The zone change is from R-6 to B2b and would permit the construction of 14 townhouses and a retail space in four different buildings.

Developers of the proposed Townhouses are the controversial Ron Gan and Jed Rathband, both East Bayside residents.  There is a neighborhood meeting scheduled for August 14th at East End Community School, North Street, Portland.

The property is currently the site of Casale’s Auto Services and Sales who has been at that location for almost twenty years.

Gan tried, unsuccessfully, to develop a secluded lot off North Street two years ago.  So unpopular was the proposal that an opposition group was formed called Save Sumner Court.

Please see the previous post herein for more details on the proposal.  Because of the unusually high level of interest in the proposed Townhouses, is publishing the tentative date for the workshop at this time.