Peaceful Protest Set for Front Room; 3/26


By Carol McCracken (Post # 419)

The Regional Opportunities Center of Maine has announced there will be another “peaceful and lawful” protest at the Front Room restaurant this Friday, March 26th. It runs from 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm.

This peaceful protest follows another one held on February 14th in which former State Senator Anne Rand participated. It likewise was held outside the popular Front Room restaurant at 73 Congress Street.

At that time, Rand said: “We are not trying to hurt his (Mr. Smith’s) business. This is not a boycott. We just want Mr. Smith to sit down with as and try to resolve the issues laid out in the complaint. We want to highlight the greatness of our restaurants and the skilled workers who work in them,” she said.

“ROC” filed a complaint on behalf of a number of defendants in the U.S. District Court here in early January. Since that time, the defendants’ attorney, Pierce Atwood LLP filed an Answer on March 8, 2010.

For more background information on the subject, please see Post # 395, dated 2/14 posted herein as well as earlier posts herein.