Part of Congress Street Shutdown Temporarily Starting May 7th for Construction for “MMC” Expansion


The Planned New Entrance for Congress Street in a New Building for Mane Medical Center.

Starting on Monday, May 7th, traffic will be detoured away from Congress Street between Forest Avenue and Weymouth Street for eight (8) weeks.  This detour is to accommodate a large construction crane needed to assist in the expansion plans for Maine Medical Center according to a press release issued today by the City’s spokeswoman, Jessica Grondin.

The Congress Street detour was developed through multiple meetings with numerous city departments and was informed by meetings with neighborhood meetings with neighborhood associations, residents and local businesses, including the Portland Sea Dogs.

Traffic coming into the city on Congress Street will be directed to take St. John Street to Park Avenue.  Drivers can then return to Congress via Weymouth Street, or by taking other routes depending on their destination.  Outbound traffic will follow the detour in reverse taking Weymouth Street or other routes to Park Avenue.

Maine Medical Center and city officials will carefully monitor all aspects of the detour as it gets underway, ready to respond with any adjustments or changes needed to improve traffic flow or address safety concerns.

This is part of Maine Medical Center’s $512 million project to create 128 new private patient rooms, add 19 procedure rooms for surgeries and other complex treatments, and provide an additional 225 parking spaces for patients and visitors.