Munjoy Hill Streets to Receive New Water Mains; Work Starts Today


By Carol McCracken  (Pos # 1,764)

The Portland Water District has announced that it will be replacing approximately 5,2100 feet of 1892 – 1915 vintage cast iron water mains on Munjoy Hill, including sections of Morning Street, Vesper Street, Wilson Street, Moody Street, O’Brion Street and Beckett Street.

Gorham Sand & Gravel was to have been on site beginning today, April 22, preparing for the construction which is expected to take place May – October 2014.  The first phase of the project, April – June, will take place on Moody Wilson and Morning Streets.

The Portland Water District is investing $6 million in water main replacements, which is a 70% increase over 2013.