Matthew W. Coffey, May Be a Candidate for At-Large City Councilorr; He Is Still Looking for People to Sign His Petition.
By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,378)
Since City Councilor Kevin Donoghue (G) announced that he won’t be running for another term as district ! city councilor, there has been a rush of candidates hoping to fill the void his leaving will create…,
One of those candidates is another Green, Asher D. Platts. MHN.com has not been in touch with him yet. He took out nomination papers on July 24, 2015. Paula G. Agopian said this afternoon that she is running because she is “pissed” at all that is happening on the Hill. Specifically, she named: property taxes, lack of affordable housing, she’s opposed to zone changes to assist developers (she would not state her position on the redevelopment of the 58 Fore Street property, although it’s assumed she was referring to that), she supports historic preservation at 58 Fore Street for all sixteen buildings and she’s worried about parking on the Hill. She is a member of the Souls of Portland. Agopian is in the process of obtaining signatures for her nomination papers. Another hopeful candidate for District ! City Council is Mary K. Casale. A nurse and long-time resident of the Hill, her X and late husband, Joe, was once the Mayor of Portland. Casale is a member of the Souls of Portland. Agopian said that she had picked-up nomination papers for Casale as well on July 29th. MHN.com has not been in touch with Casale.
Matthew W. Coffey is running for the one at-large seat on the Council. A homeless man who is also a landscaper, he told mhn.com that he is a libertarian who believes that everyone who needs to take responsibility for their own lives.
There are two other candidates in addition to Brandon J. Mazer. They are Bryan.M. Ferrante and Sean W. Kerwin. Mazer is an attorney for Shipyard Brewery on the Hill.
Candidates can start to return their completed nomination papers on August 11th for the City to check, but not before that date. City councilors need 75 signatures on their petitions. Nomination papers must be in to the City on August 25th for verification to be placed on the November 3rd ballot.