Singing Clergy Arriving at Senator Susan Collins Portland Office Last December 2017 to Begin a Sit-in on Behalf of the Vulnerable Without a Voice in National Politics. The Gaggle was Arrested by Portland Police and Taken to Jail. (Good Old Susan – Opposition Voices Not Allowed Here!)

Collins’ Empty Chair at Forum at Portland Public Library Last Year. The Forum was Hosted by the Non-Profit 16 Counties Coalition.

A Popular Sentiment in Maine. This Magnet May be Purchased at Gulf of Maine Books, Brunswick. The cost is $4.00. The Magnet is also for Sale at The Paper Patch, 21 Exchange Street, in the Old Port, Portland for $3.50. A Great Way to Express your Political View!

Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill, HopeGateWay, Portland, an Organizer of the Sit-In and a Founder of Moral Movement Maine.
Welcome to the Munjoyhillnews.com inaugural 2017 Person of the Year – the Moral Movement Maine.
This award goes to this gaggle of local clergy who demonstrated inspiring courage and commitment to the 99% when they spent a recent December day at a sit-in at Senator Susan Collins (R) Portland office. The gaggle was protesting Collins anticipated yes vote on President Trump’s tax plan – a plan that favors the wealthy 1% over the 99% in its distribution of wealth across the nation and denies that climate change is a scientifically proven fact rather than a hoax dreamed up by the Chinese.
Refusing to leave Collins’ office at the close of the day, The Nine were arrested by Portland Police around 8:30 pm. Just after midnight, December 8th, they were released after posting bail of $60. each.
Meanwhile, the Senator was reportedly hunkered down in Washington, DC protecting herself from the non-violent and peaceful clergy during their Portland sit-in. Hiding from her Portland constituents was a strategy of hers throughout the year. It did not take any courage to hide from her constituents in southern Maine. The Senator’s eventual vote in favor of the tax plan solidified her reputation as a far right extremist and no longer a moderate Senator. She has erased her reputation as someone who can be approached “to do the right thing.” It takes no courage or backbone to be the Senator whose legacy will be as Senator-no-Show from Maine.
The following statement was issued by the Moral Movement Maine in response to the front page “Maine Sunday Telegram”, by Bill Nemitz, designation of Senator Collins (R) as 2017 Mainer of the Year on Sunday, December 31st:
“Senator Collins’ position as a deciding vote in the Senate put our state into the national spotlight more than once this year. Both she and Maine, had an outsize impact on the national news and perhaps this made her an appealing choice for Mainer of the Year. However, in using her decisive vote to support the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Senator Collins forfeited any good she may have previously done for Maine’s people. This legislation stands to hurt our state and our people immensely. The passage of this bill into law will be devastating in the long-term for the Mainers of the working and middle-class and will have a disproportionate impact on Maine’s communities of color. It will hurt our healthcare system by undermining the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act.”
The Moral Movement Maine statement concludes – “It will damage our environment, as the bill opens the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for fossil fuel drilling. Senator Collins legacy will be one of enabling this harmful, cruel and immoral piece of legislation that stands to hurt our elders, our children and our communities. If there is a silver lining to the cloud of the tax bill becoming law, it’s that Maine’s everyday people – the Mainers who have the strongest impact outside the halls of congressional power – have galvanized and become principled activists not merely out of grief for what we stand to lose, but out of support for what we know is right and just,” a statement released by Molly Brewer, on behalf of the Moral Movement Maine.
Moral Movement Maine performed a courgeous service for the 99% in early December – for those without access to the Halls of Congress. That’s why the clergy is receiving this inaugural 2017 Person of the Year award from this blogger.
For more background information on the sit-ins, please see three posts herein dated December 7 and 8, 2017. Please go forward to February 22, 2018 for two posts about Moral Movement Maine Rally at Congress Square Park in support of DACA Children. Please also read a post dated September 6, 2018 about the non-profit’s position on the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Good post. Stupid Portland press herald named the bimbo Mainer of the year.
Poliquin was on channel 13 spouting nonsense too.
Thanks, Rob. That article was unbelievable from PPH. The reason Bill Nemitz gave for giving Collins the award was pitiful – that she’ll be more important in the future than she is now. Can’t believe these people really make a living writing this stuff. Received a beautiful statement from the Moral Movement Maine that I just finished posting.